Wednesday 10 August 2011

The week England went mad.

It started with a man from Tottenham being shot. It ended with over 1000 arrests, looted shops and burning cities.

The rest of the world looked on in horror as they witnessed the previously proud English nation transform into an anarchist mob.The sad thing is, that despite the majority of citizens being totally shocked, outraged and bewildered by these acts of violence committed by our own, all the outside world would have seen was footage of London's streets ablaze and hooded gangs looting from their own communities. This left many questioning the country's capability of hosting the Olympic games in just under a year. And can we blame them?

However, this question is hardly the most pressing issue for your average Joe living in England. (At least it isn't for me) People are more concerned with how these riots were even allowed to happen, the underlying social tensions that have now reared their ugly head, and, possibly the most depressing fact, that most of the rioters and looters seemed to be under the age of 20. Doesn't say much for our great and powerful society, does it?

While the initial riots in Tottenham appeared to have a valid cause, this seems to have been totally lost along the way and replaced with greedy opportunists who have no regard for their own community, city or country. Many youths have seized the chance to grab a new TV and set of trackies, while burning a few cars (and hey, why not buildings?!) in the process. 

At the risk of sounding 5 times my own age, what has happened to the youth of today? I can not even begin to comprehend the thought process of these idiots. Some are claiming that they are fighting back against the police who 'are lyk totally racist innit'. Ummm, then why are you smashing up your local newsagents for fags? While others argue they are 'reclaiming the streets from the rich.' Again, is there any need to burn a carpet shop or drive a stolen digger down the road to do this? Nope, thought not.

Whether we want to admit it or not, these riots have highlighted that there are social issues in our society, that have been ignored for far too long. And while these kids are completely uneducated, brainless criminals - there must be a reason behind why so many are popping up all over the country with the same idea, thinking 'hey, burning buildings and robbing shops in a mass gang sound like a hoot.' So who's to blame? The government, parents, education or society? Cos let's face it, while it's nice to think they're all just scumbags on the rob, and it has nothing to do with us, it's a tad naive to think it's just a big coincidence that thousands of people have exactly the same thought process.

I feel I'm starting to get a tad ranty here, so I will leave this with some images and clips of the madness that encompassed our country for a few days in 2011. And also with the hope that, like myself, there are decent, educated people out there who really want the police to water-cannon the little bastards  rugrats right back into their holes. JOKING. Kind of.

Till next time, bizzle x

Summer blues.

We are now a good way into the summer holidays and it's only just over a month till we are back at uni. Surely we should be making the most of our time at home, spending it with the family and friends we don't get to see during the majority of the year? Well, if I'm perfectly honest, I keep finding myself counting down the days till I move into my new house, decorate my new room and crack open a cheap bottle of wine ready for freshers week round 3! I'm also (dare I admit it) excited to start lectures again too! Eeeep!
Don't get me wrong, I've had a great summer so far (what with Glastonbury, road trips, work experience, nights out and lazy days) but I can't help feeling that university summer holidays are a little too long. And I'm pretty sure the English weather doesn't help. I quite like the structure and routine of university life, and during this summer I've completely lost track of what day/ week it is. (I may have also thought it was June the other day. It was actually the end of July. No word of a lie.) I'm starting to miss the constant company of house mates, living in a city where there's so much to do and all the other mindless, student randomness that seems to fill our days in Cardiff.
However, while I can't wait to get back into the swing of university life, I'm going to make the most of my remaining time at home. And I've also got to remember that this is my last year of uni (SOB) so I don't want to go wishing this year away!

Till next time, bizzle x

Friday 1 July 2011

Glastonbury: Possibly the best place in the world.

This time last week I would have been cold, soaking wet, covered in mud, not showered in 3 days, living off a few hours sleep and absolutely loving life. Yep, it's festival season again! This may not seem like the ideal situation in which to have an amazing time - and many people will think 'why the hell do people do this for fun?' Now, I'm happy to admit that in any normal situation I would not be a happy camper. I love my straighteners, daily showers and comfy bed. However, there is just something about Glastonbury that makes all of the dirt, smells and bed hair worth it. It's almost impossible to put into words how totally amazing and completely crazy Glastonbury is. But I'm going to try. With a little help from a few pictures too!

Imagine a city full of tents, stalls, stages, flags, grass, sculptures and masses of unwashed, yet ridiculously happy people. Think of the fires and fairy lights at night, the stench of the toilets and the beats from the Dance Village. Picture any and all types of food and bars selling overpriced cider. See people of all ages - old hippies with huge beards, children in fancy dress, drunken youths and middle aged ravers. Hear the songs of legends: U2, Coldplay, Beyonce, Pulp, Radiohead, Fatboyslim, Chemical Brothers, The Streets. Or discover the unknown talents of an unknown singer in a small, crowded tent. Realise that it's not just about music, but about dancing, art, madness, charity, friendship, adventure and experience. Imagine endless mud and pouring rain, then baking sun and no shade. Understand that anything goes, clohing is optional yet wellies and face paint are a must have. Witness the madness of Shangri La and Arcadia - naked mermaids, planes, cars with wings and fire balls in the air. Marvel at the sunrise from the legendary stone circle as another day dawns over the most famous festival in the world.

It's now 720 days till the next Glastonbury, but who's counting?

Till next time, bizzle x

Monday 20 June 2011

The Story of a Promo Girl.

Seeing as Charlie did a nice little post about her job, I thought I would do the same for mine!
Rebecky and myself work for a small bar/club in the city centre called The Live Lounge (check it out) See, once a promo girl, always a promo girl. Before I worked there it was literally my fave place to go in the whole of Cardiff! It's open till 4am and usually the place you drunkenly stumble to after the other clubs have closed, but you want to carry on the dancing & drinking! Therefore, getting a job here seemed to be the ideal thing!
To be honest, promo is a pretty damn easy job, especially if you  get to work with people you like! The only negatives to the job would have to be the hours, usually 9-2.30am (not great when you have an early leccy the next day) and the cold. There have been times when I have lost all feeling in my feet and hands! However, negatives aside there are countless pluses to the job!
A typical night starts off relatively slow, as the majority of students don't even think about hitting the clubs till around 10.30 - 11pm. So the initial few hours consist of wandering around town, chit-chatting, grabbing a bite to eat and pointing the odd middle aged person in the direction of the 'best place to go without student ID'. (which is of course Live Lounge ;) )
After a 15 minute break at around 11, we head back out to face the reasonably drunken crowds hurriedly tottering into the bar/clubs of Cardiff. This is usually the promo girls nightmare, as people just want to get to their destination without having a flyer thrust in their face. However, at this time there are a few rather drunken fools who declare their love for you and happily skip off to said promoted bar.
Now, the most entertaining part of the shift, which always makes up for the boring first few hours, has to be chucking out time! With out trying to sound too much like my mother, oh my lordy.. the sights I have seen! It's almost enough to put me off drinking. Almost. There have been fights: boy on boy, girl on girl, girl on boy and full on 30 person brawls (that one was a tad scary - bottles and belt buckles were involved) While watching a fight for entertainment may seem a tad sado-masochistic, they are usually just a harmless drunken squabble.
I have also witnessed the most bizarre drunken behavior: A lad (who I happened to know) running through town in a dressing gown flashing people. Someone pretending to be a money in the middle of the road then falling asleep against a lamp post. A middle aged man trying to squirt people with his pee. Vom. 
You also get to see the odd cheeky celebrity. Hello Brandon Cole, maaaany rugby players, members of One Direction, Gareth Gates and James Corden.
So while the first few hours may be a tad on the boring side, the hilarious drunken aftermath provides apt entertainment! And let's be fair, it's a pretty easy way to earn some cashola! (Not to meantion getting to know all the bouncers in town. Hello free entry and queue jump!

Till next time, bizzle x

Thursday 2 June 2011

My Master Plan.

The fact that second year is nearly over (two weeks and counting. Sniff) is quite a depressing thought and has lead me to think about the different ways in which I can prolong my student career. Because, to be perfectly honest, I'm not ready to accept that I only have one year left. I love the student lifestyle way too much, and I'm afraid that it's going to become a mere nostalgic memory of the past all too soon. I have even contemplated deliberatly failing second year, but feel this may be one drastic stepp too far! Maybe.. So instead Bekah, Charlie and myself have come up with a few ways in which to avoid joning the real world for a little longer.

Postgraduate study
Sounds posh doesn't it?! Me and Bekah are keen beans and love our degree so much we want to carry on and study an MA in Broadcast Journalism. Whereas Charles wants to do her PGCE so she can be professionaly terrorized for a career - otherwise known as teaching. Ceerraaazy fool. Not only does a postgrad allow us to be slobby students for an extra year, it also looks quite good on the CV! However, as the course at Cardiff is the best in the country, competition is high, meaning we actually have to put in some effort (shocker) to get some work experience in our relevant fields! While my persona may be that of the 'lazy' one, I am actually really excited to get out there and get as may placements or tasters as I can, in order to get a real feel for the media industry and to see where my future career path may take me.

Gap Yah
I basically want to be able to tell stories like this man.
Lol jokes, I'm not a noob. Anyway, phase 2 of the master plan is to go travelling with Rebecky & who ever else wants to hop along for the ride! We literally have it all planned out. Graduate with an MA in June. Get a jobo (anything, anywhere). Work for 5/6 months. Save moolah. Have a ski season in Italy November-April. Hopefully save some more dosh and maybe learn a bit of Italien in the process? Come home for a few weeks. Go travelling in Asia & spend our hard earned cashola being all cultural. Come home in August. Get propper job. Grow up.

And that my friends, is the master plan. It will happen. Check back in 2 years for the pics ;)

Till next time, bizzle x

Monday 23 May 2011

Work Experience

Sooooooo after months and months of trying i've finally managed to get myself a work experience placement. It's not until July and it's only four days long, but heeeey, i managed it!

Those of you who are doing a specific degree or are set on the career you want in the future, (yes, it's true, we can't be students forever :( sobbbb! ) you will know how important it is to try and gain some relevant experience in the real world. Whether it be medicine, care, teaching or journalism (like me) employers want to know that you are keen and have a passion to succeed (gay).

However, gaining a work experience placement can prove much harder than anticipated! You send out looooooads of emails, letters, CVS etc. but you get ignored, you recieve emails politely telling you that they are full, have no placements to offer or simply, don't want you. Or they ask you to send them a covering letter, explaining all your previous experience and what you can offer their company. That's what bugs me... how companies expect you to have previous experience before you apply. You need previous experience to get more experience, so you apply for experience so that you have some previous experience but you don't get that placement because you don't have any previous experience. Confused? Thought so, me too!
It's a pain in the butt, a long winded process, a never- ending viscious circle some over dramatic types might say! ;)

But don't let that put you off, keep at it and you are bound to be successful at some point! Here are a few tips of mine to help you out if you are trying to gain media work experience:

Begin your planning early. In your first or second year get relevant practical skills by writing for the uni newspaper or magazine, radio station, or television society. This will help you develop your skills and give you a bit of previous experience (the dreaded thing that so many employers seem to want). I wish i'd done more of this during my first and second year and definately intend to get more involved next year!

Prepare a media CV. Don't just send out a general CV, this won't work as media companies probably receive hundreds every day. It must be focused to the particular type of work experience you hope to get and must be of high quality. If your university has a Careers service, speak to them or get them to look over your CV for you. Cardiff Uni has a Careers week and it is very helpful for this type of thing!

Use your own contacts. It doesn't seem fair but particularly in careers such as journalism, it often isn't what you know but who you know. Even if you don't know anyone who specifically works in the media, most big companies often have many contacts with the media so ask around. You never know who your parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, neighbours, friends might know that could help you kick start your career. My dad works in retail (i.e not in anyway particularly relevant to the media industry), he got a list of media contacts his company have, sent around a few emails and hey presto, i now have a placement.

Be persistant. If you don't hear back from a company, email or ring them again. This way you will show you are committed and will not give up. Send a follow up email, hassle and hound companies. Who cares if they think you are annoying, you will never have to meet them if you don't get a placement :)

Finally, Don't be a afraid of rejection. The media is possible one of the most competitive careers to get into, it can be tough and with so many people applying you have to be prepared to receive rejection after rejection. Don't let this put you off and don't give up. For every 100 rejections say, you are bound to get one that says yes :p

Good luck kiddddddddddddddddddddds :)

Saturday 30 April 2011


Well, who'd have though it? It's now the Easter holidays and second year is almost over SOB. No more lectures till October, when the real work begins & everyone starts stressing over their final year. Now, I'm not one to get overly stressed about work, or anything for that matter. The only thing that actually worries me is that I'm growing up way too quickly. This time next year, we will be nearing graduation (even though me & Edwards have our master plan for a Masters & gap yah) and will be one step closer to an adult reality of a 9-5 career. This does not bode well for someone who still takes great pleasure in egging peoples houses, sleeps all day and lacks motivation for anything other than drinking.

Freshers only seems like yesterday and it was possibly one of the best years ever. Sadly, somehow, second year hasn't quite lived up to it. Don't get me wrong, it's still been a good'un. But I deffo think we out did ourselves in first year! I've always thought, even since high school, that uni was waaay in the future and would last forever and now I'm over half way through, the end is in sight. So I though I'd have a trip down memory lane and have a cheeky look back at some of the highs...

and the amusing lows...

Time really does fly when you're having fun.

Till next time, bizzle x

Thursday 14 April 2011

Money, Dosh, Moolah, Wonga.

Money; the most important, talked about, dependant and annoying aspect of student life.
Not a day goes by without someone mentioning their overdraft, wages, loan, savings or spare change. In reality, money dictates the majority of day to day activities of student life. Shall I go out tonight? I need to go food shopping. I really want a new outfit. Fancy a bite to eat at the pub? Let's go on a day trip. Cinema anyone? I can't be bothered to go to work tonight.
Every one of these statements concern one question - can I afford it?
Now, I'm probably not the best person to give advice regarding great saving plans or to suggest a sure fire way to stay debt free. Hello ridiculous overdraft figures. But I do have a few tips on how to still have a good time at uni, while also keeping costs down. (Beware, some of these tips may compromise your morals and your health.)

1. Use the internet to find great deals! I spend enough time pointlessly refreshing the Facebook homepage, may as well dedicate some of that time to finding some offers! Student beans is a great site for deals, like 241 cinema tickets!
2. Take advantage of the different food deals in the supermarkets. BOGOF offes are always a winner. Also, try to stock up on freezer food, but not fresh stuff, as you will end up chucking it and wasting money buying more!
3. Make a list before you go shopping. Impulse buying is a killer!
4. Get a job. A couple of shifts a week can't hurt, and the extra cash will never go amiss! Me & Bekah work for a bar in town as part of their promotions team & Charlie is a shot girl for some of the bigger clubs. Work banter is always a hot topic of conversation. Yes Lanter <3
5. Minesweep. Probs shouldn't recommend this, but in many times of desperation we have all been known to steal the odd unattended drink. Cue lack of memory & hangover from hell the morning after.
6Make friends with people who are a similar dress size to yourself. Hello whole new wardrobe of opportunities, goodbye expensive shopping spree.
7. Try to keep household bills down. You don't need your lappy plugged in 24/7 and who wants to live in a constant sauna? However, don't been a heating Nazi, just because there's a few days of sun, does not mean we've suddenly been transported to Africa. We live in Wales, a few hours of warmth would be much appreciated.

So there you have it, a few tips on how to save a wee bit of money in the ever expensive whirlwind that is student life. But, if your are horrifically in debt (like yours truly) don't worry too much. Just remember, we're going to be -£20,000 + in debt anyway, what's an extra grand going to hurt? Well, that's how I console myself. You only live once & you can't spend when you've popped it, so go wild while you can - no one likes a tight arse.

Till next time, bizzle x

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Hiiiii all. Sorry for my lack of posting so far, Katie and Charlie are massive Keeeeno's and I do have other stuff to do with my time ;)

As good as Katie's boredom busters are for busting ya boredom (like what i did there?!) there is one major thing that she failed to mention that can brighten up any boring day.. FOOD. As a student, Food is a massive part of life. We probably spend a large amount of the day eating, failing that we will be talking about food or planning our next meal.

Charlie has already kindly shared with us her tips for expert cake baking. However, I feel it is time to enlighten you with a few more of a good ol' favourite recipes that we have conjured up over the last year and a half of living together.

Despite the cliche that students live on a diet of beans on toast, pot noodles and generally unhealthy cuisine... we often make some very tasty, homemade meals that are not only inexpensive but healthy too.

Step aside Jamie Oliver.. it's time to take a look at some of our amazing meals..

1. Potato's dauphinois..

This is possibly one of my most favourite dishes ever. Turning spuds into something a bit more interesting. Cheese and potato.. together. What more could you want? It's nice and simple too :)

You will need:

Potatoes (probably about four, possibly five depending on how hungry you are)

142ml Single Cream (nice and healthy)

150ml of milk (optional)

1 garlic clove, peeled and halved

One onion, finely chopped.

25g of grated cheese (any type you like which you are able to grate)

Method: Fairly straight forward..

  • Pre heat the oven to about 180C. Line a baking dish or tin with greaseproof paper then butter the paper. Peel and slice the potatoes.
  • Fry the onion until it is lightly browned and set aside.
  • Pour the milk and cream into a pan, then add the garlic. Heat to boiling point, cool a little and strain into a jug. You can prepare this in advance and reheat if you are on a tight schedule!
  • Layer half the potatoes in the tin, overlapping the slices, sprinkling each layer with a little salt and pepper. Pour over half the liquid and finish layering, then add the rest of the liquid and scatter over the cheese.
  • Bake for 1-1¼ hrs (plenty of time to get cracking on with an essay or reading, orrr.. start getting ready for a night out) until the potatoes are tender and the top is golden.
  • Leave to stand for 5 mins, then cut into portions and serve. VOILA.. you have yourself a proffesional little meal :)

2. Vegetable Fajita's...

Fajita's are probably one of the only meal's we make together as a house. We find that a mini mexican night of vegetable fajita's alongside cheesy nachos, salad and rice is the perfect type of food for a birthday dinner or house bonding and catch up time. A good Fajita can be one of the simplest, yet tastiest meals one can make. They can be heavy or light, healthy and nutritious. Nice 'n' cheap and as spicy (or as mild if you're a woss like me) as you like :)

In this recipe I only use vegetable's instead of chicken as a lot of members of our household of vegetarian. Veg is also cheaper and healthier than meat too. So give it a go!

You will need:
Half Red Onion

Half a green pepper

Half a yellow pepper

A few spoonfuls of Creme Fresh

Grated Cheese

Flour Tortillas

Chilli powder/ some type of spice

Tomoto Pureee

  • Chop the Peppers into long, thin strips. Cut the onion lengthways and then into slices so you have semicircular shaped slithers.
  • Using a bit of oil,fry the Green Pepper, Yellow Pepper and Red Onion together for around 2 minutes on high heat and stir away. (If you're like us you will be very keen with the stirring!)
  • Spread the crème fresh on the tortillas, about one tablespoon per tortilla. Add the grated cheese.
  • Add the chilli powder and tomato puree to the pan. Mix up a little, stir and serve.
  • Serve the vegetable mix onto the tortilla and wrap.

And there you have it.. a simple vegetarian, three coloured fajita which is perfect for a quick meal :)
I hope you've enjoyed me sharing my amazing culinary skills with you all.

S'laterrrrrs. X

Sunday 13 March 2011

Fancy Dress.

Fancy dress, without a doubt, is the most common, hilarious and sometimes embarrassing night out for a student. While it is true that I will leave University with a degree, great memories, experience & friends, I will also be departing with a suitcase full of random items of clothing, hats, jewelry and fabric. Thankyouverymuch.
Birthdays are without a doubt the holy grail for fancy dress themes. As soon as you get the Facebook invite, head on down to Primark (make-shift fancy dress heaven) and get creative! We have managed to fashion many an outfit out of a £4 rug and a t-shirt!
I don't think I could even list all the fancy dress themes we have attended over the past 2 years, but they have ranged from the more traditional, hello : Army, Sailors, Cave-girls, Geeks, Golfers and Ravers.

To the more obscure : Grannies, PJs, Clowns, Noah's Ark and Elves.

So whatever outfit, theme or occasion, remember: you will lose an item of your fancy dress. You will wake up with you bed sheets covered in paint. And you will be de-tagging some horrific Facebook pictures. All in the spirit of fancy dress. Why not, eh?

Till next time, bizzle x