Saturday 30 April 2011


Well, who'd have though it? It's now the Easter holidays and second year is almost over SOB. No more lectures till October, when the real work begins & everyone starts stressing over their final year. Now, I'm not one to get overly stressed about work, or anything for that matter. The only thing that actually worries me is that I'm growing up way too quickly. This time next year, we will be nearing graduation (even though me & Edwards have our master plan for a Masters & gap yah) and will be one step closer to an adult reality of a 9-5 career. This does not bode well for someone who still takes great pleasure in egging peoples houses, sleeps all day and lacks motivation for anything other than drinking.

Freshers only seems like yesterday and it was possibly one of the best years ever. Sadly, somehow, second year hasn't quite lived up to it. Don't get me wrong, it's still been a good'un. But I deffo think we out did ourselves in first year! I've always thought, even since high school, that uni was waaay in the future and would last forever and now I'm over half way through, the end is in sight. So I though I'd have a trip down memory lane and have a cheeky look back at some of the highs...

and the amusing lows...

Time really does fly when you're having fun.

Till next time, bizzle x

1 comment:

  1. Not gonna lie, this bought a tear.
    You guys look so young in that last picture! AND, that first picture is vile. I beseech you to remove it or move it down in the picture list so it isn't the initial attack to the eyeballs xxxxxx


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