Thursday 14 April 2011

Money, Dosh, Moolah, Wonga.

Money; the most important, talked about, dependant and annoying aspect of student life.
Not a day goes by without someone mentioning their overdraft, wages, loan, savings or spare change. In reality, money dictates the majority of day to day activities of student life. Shall I go out tonight? I need to go food shopping. I really want a new outfit. Fancy a bite to eat at the pub? Let's go on a day trip. Cinema anyone? I can't be bothered to go to work tonight.
Every one of these statements concern one question - can I afford it?
Now, I'm probably not the best person to give advice regarding great saving plans or to suggest a sure fire way to stay debt free. Hello ridiculous overdraft figures. But I do have a few tips on how to still have a good time at uni, while also keeping costs down. (Beware, some of these tips may compromise your morals and your health.)

1. Use the internet to find great deals! I spend enough time pointlessly refreshing the Facebook homepage, may as well dedicate some of that time to finding some offers! Student beans is a great site for deals, like 241 cinema tickets!
2. Take advantage of the different food deals in the supermarkets. BOGOF offes are always a winner. Also, try to stock up on freezer food, but not fresh stuff, as you will end up chucking it and wasting money buying more!
3. Make a list before you go shopping. Impulse buying is a killer!
4. Get a job. A couple of shifts a week can't hurt, and the extra cash will never go amiss! Me & Bekah work for a bar in town as part of their promotions team & Charlie is a shot girl for some of the bigger clubs. Work banter is always a hot topic of conversation. Yes Lanter <3
5. Minesweep. Probs shouldn't recommend this, but in many times of desperation we have all been known to steal the odd unattended drink. Cue lack of memory & hangover from hell the morning after.
6Make friends with people who are a similar dress size to yourself. Hello whole new wardrobe of opportunities, goodbye expensive shopping spree.
7. Try to keep household bills down. You don't need your lappy plugged in 24/7 and who wants to live in a constant sauna? However, don't been a heating Nazi, just because there's a few days of sun, does not mean we've suddenly been transported to Africa. We live in Wales, a few hours of warmth would be much appreciated.

So there you have it, a few tips on how to save a wee bit of money in the ever expensive whirlwind that is student life. But, if your are horrifically in debt (like yours truly) don't worry too much. Just remember, we're going to be -£20,000 + in debt anyway, what's an extra grand going to hurt? Well, that's how I console myself. You only live once & you can't spend when you've popped it, so go wild while you can - no one likes a tight arse.

Till next time, bizzle x

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