Tuesday 15 March 2011


Hiiiii all. Sorry for my lack of posting so far, Katie and Charlie are massive Keeeeno's and I do have other stuff to do with my time ;)

As good as Katie's boredom busters are for busting ya boredom (like what i did there?!) there is one major thing that she failed to mention that can brighten up any boring day.. FOOD. As a student, Food is a massive part of life. We probably spend a large amount of the day eating, failing that we will be talking about food or planning our next meal.

Charlie has already kindly shared with us her tips for expert cake baking. However, I feel it is time to enlighten you with a few more of a good ol' favourite recipes that we have conjured up over the last year and a half of living together.

Despite the cliche that students live on a diet of beans on toast, pot noodles and generally unhealthy cuisine... we often make some very tasty, homemade meals that are not only inexpensive but healthy too.

Step aside Jamie Oliver.. it's time to take a look at some of our amazing meals..

1. Potato's dauphinois..

This is possibly one of my most favourite dishes ever. Turning spuds into something a bit more interesting. Cheese and potato.. together. What more could you want? It's nice and simple too :)

You will need:

Potatoes (probably about four, possibly five depending on how hungry you are)

142ml Single Cream (nice and healthy)

150ml of milk (optional)

1 garlic clove, peeled and halved

One onion, finely chopped.

25g of grated cheese (any type you like which you are able to grate)

Method: Fairly straight forward..

  • Pre heat the oven to about 180C. Line a baking dish or tin with greaseproof paper then butter the paper. Peel and slice the potatoes.
  • Fry the onion until it is lightly browned and set aside.
  • Pour the milk and cream into a pan, then add the garlic. Heat to boiling point, cool a little and strain into a jug. You can prepare this in advance and reheat if you are on a tight schedule!
  • Layer half the potatoes in the tin, overlapping the slices, sprinkling each layer with a little salt and pepper. Pour over half the liquid and finish layering, then add the rest of the liquid and scatter over the cheese.
  • Bake for 1-1¼ hrs (plenty of time to get cracking on with an essay or reading, orrr.. start getting ready for a night out) until the potatoes are tender and the top is golden.
  • Leave to stand for 5 mins, then cut into portions and serve. VOILA.. you have yourself a proffesional little meal :)

2. Vegetable Fajita's...

Fajita's are probably one of the only meal's we make together as a house. We find that a mini mexican night of vegetable fajita's alongside cheesy nachos, salad and rice is the perfect type of food for a birthday dinner or house bonding and catch up time. A good Fajita can be one of the simplest, yet tastiest meals one can make. They can be heavy or light, healthy and nutritious. Nice 'n' cheap and as spicy (or as mild if you're a woss like me) as you like :)

In this recipe I only use vegetable's instead of chicken as a lot of members of our household of vegetarian. Veg is also cheaper and healthier than meat too. So give it a go!

You will need:
Half Red Onion

Half a green pepper

Half a yellow pepper

A few spoonfuls of Creme Fresh

Grated Cheese

Flour Tortillas

Chilli powder/ some type of spice

Tomoto Pureee

  • Chop the Peppers into long, thin strips. Cut the onion lengthways and then into slices so you have semicircular shaped slithers.
  • Using a bit of oil,fry the Green Pepper, Yellow Pepper and Red Onion together for around 2 minutes on high heat and stir away. (If you're like us you will be very keen with the stirring!)
  • Spread the crème fresh on the tortillas, about one tablespoon per tortilla. Add the grated cheese.
  • Add the chilli powder and tomato puree to the pan. Mix up a little, stir and serve.
  • Serve the vegetable mix onto the tortilla and wrap.

And there you have it.. a simple vegetarian, three coloured fajita which is perfect for a quick meal :)
I hope you've enjoyed me sharing my amazing culinary skills with you all.

S'laterrrrrs. X

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm :) This is making me hungry! Fajita's are also good for using any salad veg that's about to go off... mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, sweetcorn... anything that can be chopped up and fried, shove in! If you have a george foreman it's always cheeky closing the wrap then grilling it in there for a few minutes until the cheese melts inside... I find it makes less of a mess too (ha- try eating fajitas with Edwards, I've never known anyone to make such a mess with them!) x


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