Friday 1 July 2011

Glastonbury: Possibly the best place in the world.

This time last week I would have been cold, soaking wet, covered in mud, not showered in 3 days, living off a few hours sleep and absolutely loving life. Yep, it's festival season again! This may not seem like the ideal situation in which to have an amazing time - and many people will think 'why the hell do people do this for fun?' Now, I'm happy to admit that in any normal situation I would not be a happy camper. I love my straighteners, daily showers and comfy bed. However, there is just something about Glastonbury that makes all of the dirt, smells and bed hair worth it. It's almost impossible to put into words how totally amazing and completely crazy Glastonbury is. But I'm going to try. With a little help from a few pictures too!

Imagine a city full of tents, stalls, stages, flags, grass, sculptures and masses of unwashed, yet ridiculously happy people. Think of the fires and fairy lights at night, the stench of the toilets and the beats from the Dance Village. Picture any and all types of food and bars selling overpriced cider. See people of all ages - old hippies with huge beards, children in fancy dress, drunken youths and middle aged ravers. Hear the songs of legends: U2, Coldplay, Beyonce, Pulp, Radiohead, Fatboyslim, Chemical Brothers, The Streets. Or discover the unknown talents of an unknown singer in a small, crowded tent. Realise that it's not just about music, but about dancing, art, madness, charity, friendship, adventure and experience. Imagine endless mud and pouring rain, then baking sun and no shade. Understand that anything goes, clohing is optional yet wellies and face paint are a must have. Witness the madness of Shangri La and Arcadia - naked mermaids, planes, cars with wings and fire balls in the air. Marvel at the sunrise from the legendary stone circle as another day dawns over the most famous festival in the world.

It's now 720 days till the next Glastonbury, but who's counting?

Till next time, bizzle x

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