Wednesday 10 August 2011

Summer blues.

We are now a good way into the summer holidays and it's only just over a month till we are back at uni. Surely we should be making the most of our time at home, spending it with the family and friends we don't get to see during the majority of the year? Well, if I'm perfectly honest, I keep finding myself counting down the days till I move into my new house, decorate my new room and crack open a cheap bottle of wine ready for freshers week round 3! I'm also (dare I admit it) excited to start lectures again too! Eeeep!
Don't get me wrong, I've had a great summer so far (what with Glastonbury, road trips, work experience, nights out and lazy days) but I can't help feeling that university summer holidays are a little too long. And I'm pretty sure the English weather doesn't help. I quite like the structure and routine of university life, and during this summer I've completely lost track of what day/ week it is. (I may have also thought it was June the other day. It was actually the end of July. No word of a lie.) I'm starting to miss the constant company of house mates, living in a city where there's so much to do and all the other mindless, student randomness that seems to fill our days in Cardiff.
However, while I can't wait to get back into the swing of university life, I'm going to make the most of my remaining time at home. And I've also got to remember that this is my last year of uni (SOB) so I don't want to go wishing this year away!

Till next time, bizzle x

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