Monday 20 June 2011

The Story of a Promo Girl.

Seeing as Charlie did a nice little post about her job, I thought I would do the same for mine!
Rebecky and myself work for a small bar/club in the city centre called The Live Lounge (check it out) See, once a promo girl, always a promo girl. Before I worked there it was literally my fave place to go in the whole of Cardiff! It's open till 4am and usually the place you drunkenly stumble to after the other clubs have closed, but you want to carry on the dancing & drinking! Therefore, getting a job here seemed to be the ideal thing!
To be honest, promo is a pretty damn easy job, especially if you  get to work with people you like! The only negatives to the job would have to be the hours, usually 9-2.30am (not great when you have an early leccy the next day) and the cold. There have been times when I have lost all feeling in my feet and hands! However, negatives aside there are countless pluses to the job!
A typical night starts off relatively slow, as the majority of students don't even think about hitting the clubs till around 10.30 - 11pm. So the initial few hours consist of wandering around town, chit-chatting, grabbing a bite to eat and pointing the odd middle aged person in the direction of the 'best place to go without student ID'. (which is of course Live Lounge ;) )
After a 15 minute break at around 11, we head back out to face the reasonably drunken crowds hurriedly tottering into the bar/clubs of Cardiff. This is usually the promo girls nightmare, as people just want to get to their destination without having a flyer thrust in their face. However, at this time there are a few rather drunken fools who declare their love for you and happily skip off to said promoted bar.
Now, the most entertaining part of the shift, which always makes up for the boring first few hours, has to be chucking out time! With out trying to sound too much like my mother, oh my lordy.. the sights I have seen! It's almost enough to put me off drinking. Almost. There have been fights: boy on boy, girl on girl, girl on boy and full on 30 person brawls (that one was a tad scary - bottles and belt buckles were involved) While watching a fight for entertainment may seem a tad sado-masochistic, they are usually just a harmless drunken squabble.
I have also witnessed the most bizarre drunken behavior: A lad (who I happened to know) running through town in a dressing gown flashing people. Someone pretending to be a money in the middle of the road then falling asleep against a lamp post. A middle aged man trying to squirt people with his pee. Vom. 
You also get to see the odd cheeky celebrity. Hello Brandon Cole, maaaany rugby players, members of One Direction, Gareth Gates and James Corden.
So while the first few hours may be a tad on the boring side, the hilarious drunken aftermath provides apt entertainment! And let's be fair, it's a pretty easy way to earn some cashola! (Not to meantion getting to know all the bouncers in town. Hello free entry and queue jump!

Till next time, bizzle x

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