Thursday 2 June 2011

My Master Plan.

The fact that second year is nearly over (two weeks and counting. Sniff) is quite a depressing thought and has lead me to think about the different ways in which I can prolong my student career. Because, to be perfectly honest, I'm not ready to accept that I only have one year left. I love the student lifestyle way too much, and I'm afraid that it's going to become a mere nostalgic memory of the past all too soon. I have even contemplated deliberatly failing second year, but feel this may be one drastic stepp too far! Maybe.. So instead Bekah, Charlie and myself have come up with a few ways in which to avoid joning the real world for a little longer.

Postgraduate study
Sounds posh doesn't it?! Me and Bekah are keen beans and love our degree so much we want to carry on and study an MA in Broadcast Journalism. Whereas Charles wants to do her PGCE so she can be professionaly terrorized for a career - otherwise known as teaching. Ceerraaazy fool. Not only does a postgrad allow us to be slobby students for an extra year, it also looks quite good on the CV! However, as the course at Cardiff is the best in the country, competition is high, meaning we actually have to put in some effort (shocker) to get some work experience in our relevant fields! While my persona may be that of the 'lazy' one, I am actually really excited to get out there and get as may placements or tasters as I can, in order to get a real feel for the media industry and to see where my future career path may take me.

Gap Yah
I basically want to be able to tell stories like this man.
Lol jokes, I'm not a noob. Anyway, phase 2 of the master plan is to go travelling with Rebecky & who ever else wants to hop along for the ride! We literally have it all planned out. Graduate with an MA in June. Get a jobo (anything, anywhere). Work for 5/6 months. Save moolah. Have a ski season in Italy November-April. Hopefully save some more dosh and maybe learn a bit of Italien in the process? Come home for a few weeks. Go travelling in Asia & spend our hard earned cashola being all cultural. Come home in August. Get propper job. Grow up.

And that my friends, is the master plan. It will happen. Check back in 2 years for the pics ;)

Till next time, bizzle x

1 comment:

  1. Gap year sounds amazing, not too keen on the work before hand though :) x


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