Thursday 24 February 2011

Introducing... Katie Nelson

Ignore what the other two say; I am the one and only, the coolest.
Ok, I never was that great at introductions, so I guess I'll start with the basics.
I'm Katie. 20. From Crewe (& for the southerners out there it's t'up north). I'm studying Journalism, Media & Cultural Criticism at Cardiff University, however I tell the majority that I'm studying Journalism, because if I'm honest Cult Crit is a load of bull. 

Bekah & Charlie have, rather harshly in my humble opinion, labeled me as the lazy one. True, I do love a bit of onesie time and I wouldn't say no to a cheeky afternoon nap, but what else is a girl to do when a certain Charlie keeno Morris constantly has her head in a book?! All I want in my life is for people to entertain me 24/7, and when this doesn't happen sleep seems to be the best alternative. However, credit where credit's due, Bekah does keep me entertained most days, be it Singstar, bitching in bed or sneaking into people's houses (sorry boys).

Katie. Bekah. Charlie. Possibly the greatest three individuals you will ever meet in your life - and probably the most annoying. I'm only going to admit this once, but we must be a nightmare to live with. HELLO 4am noodle fights, drunken arguments (usually centred around a rather angry, argument loving Bekah), continous shouts of play with meee, mess, pranks and VERY loud singing. But honestly, apart from that we are rather amazing. So follow our advice & you too could be this keen, lazy & angry. What more could you want?

Till next time, bizzle x

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