Thursday 24 February 2011

Introducing... Bekah

Hiiiiiiii :)

Not sure exactly what to say as I'm currently cringing at the thought of writing an introduction. So I guess I'll start by saying I'm Bekah. I'm 20 years old and I'm studying Journalism, Film and Media at Cardiff University. Like Morris, I'm from good ol' Cheltenham in Gloucestershire (Yes, there is a racecourse there!!)
I'd like to think I'm your typical, average student. I enjoy nothing more than a wild night out with my fellow housemates and friends from first year halls. Dirty pints, Beer bongs, drinking games and chants.. That's how I roll. I also love a good snuggle in Katie's bed using her ginormus breasts as a pillow. And believe me, those bad boys are HUGE. Failing that, I'll be in my room, drinking a cup of tea and watching Eastenders. Let's just say I probably play harder than I work..

So yeah.. that's about all I can think of to say about myself.

Better say a little bit about the gruesome twosome. Firstly, there is Charlie Morris. This one can usually be found in the library with her head in a massive pile of books. Gets up at the crack of dawn, is easily excited, belongs in an Enid Blyton novel and is generally just an enormous freak.

Then there is Katie Nelson. AKA. The Slough. Literally just give her a onesie and a bed and you're in. She's probably asleep right now..

Anyway, I'm not going to sit here all day and ramble on for ages. Although, I apologize in advance for anyone subjected to a MASSSSSSIVE long essay by Charlie 'too cool for school' Morris. I doubt you'll get much of an introduction from Nelson either as she's most probably exceeded her daily hour of movement by now.

S'Laters. x

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