Friday 4 March 2011

The Boredom Killer.

I am currently sat on my bed, in a freezing house, bored out of my little brain. So, instead of actually doing some work, I thought I would write about a few ways to cure the inevitable curse of student boredom.
There are actually plenty of much more constructive things I could be doing with my time; Clean this stinking house, do some work or even get some use out of my gym membership. However, these things take way too much effort, and I don't want to jeopardize my lazy title. That would be a disaster.
So, I've come up with a few solutions to ease the pain of boredom that will hopefully bring some joy into our jam-packed student schedules. (Or maybe just those of us with doss courses)
Let's start with the most basic and obvious distraction for about 99.9% of the whole student population. And possibly the world?
1. Facebook - Ahhh, where would we be without it?! (Well, I would probably be rolling with a 1st in every essay, but that's another story) Yes, Facebook is a wonderful distraction and there is nothing better than having a good stalk when you're bored or mindlessly refreshing the homepage in hope of an exciting status. If you're feeling really wild a bit of Facebook rape is always a great way to pass the time. Be it pregnancy, engagements, crude statuses or comments to your boss (YES Bekah Edwards), it will keep you amused for all of about 10 minutes. Ok, now I think about it Facebook is a huge waste of time. But I'm an addict. Facebook. Is. God.
2. Singstar - Possibly the best game ever invented? We play this game constantly and it has provided us with hours (and probably days) worth of entertainment. True, we are not the best singers in the world. True, we annoy our housemates with our warbling. But it is just so much fun.

3. Make random things - Be it charts, posters, new drinking games, blogs - whatever. We decided to brighten up our lounge by creating different charts for the walls. We have a list of drinking games, 'Ring of Fire' rules, a huge chart with the all the different pub/ bars/ clubs that we aim to go to by the end of the year & this:
 A chart with different tallys and goals for us to achieve throughout the year! I'm not going to lie, it's our pride & joy. How gay?!
4. Annoy people - Kind of similar to above. This can involve room or house rape: simply choose your victim, enter their room & totally terrorise it. Hanging toy chickens from a window is a fave. As is drawing on potatoes and hiding them in people's flats.

Anyway, I should probably do something slightly more productive, so till next time, bizzle x

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